Is it over? Is it truly over?
Tedious, drudging and very boring. An entire month and ten days trying to digest this. I almost cannot believe I managed to finish it. The things one does for the sake of research I tell you.
I was expecting something akin to a juicy scandal or information about the Savoys alas all I got was a lot of politics, which might interest someone else, but it wasn't what I was looking for.
It drove me bonkers that the author mentioned last names randomly, without context or the actual full name so you knew who the hell he was talking about. Wikipedia was my friend here. It would’ve been more practical to have at the beginning of the book a cast of characters so you know who was who.
Basically, the reason the House of Savoy is no longer in power is because they didn't prepare the heirs at all. All they knew how to be were military men and not a one had a clue about how to govern. Whenever I read any of these royal fuck ups (like seriously Mussolini shouldn't have lasted more than a few weeks), it made me want to jump back in time and knock some sense into them.
The author did the best he could to present an unbiased study of the Savoys and their policies but it didn't stop it from being a complete drag to read.