Name: Nicole
D.O.B.: November 17
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Current City: NYC
Joined: September 2013
Interests: Writing, reading, traveling, baking
Languages: English, Español, Spanglish, Français (un petit peu), Italiano (un po')
Favorite Books: Romance (Contemporary and Historical), Young Adult, Erotica, Travel, Food
About friend requests: I'm pretty open to adding anyone, however, I will not add any authors that are just looking to push their book on me. I'm looking for people that I can interact with.
What my stars mean:
★★★★★ - SPECTACULAR! AWESOMESAUCE! It probably made me cry. I want everyone to read this book.
★★★★ - Really enjoyable.
★★★ - Ok.
★★ - Meh.
★ - Kill it with fire.
Happy reading :)