About That Night (FBI, # 3) - Julie James

Took me a long time to finish this by my standards.


It can be incredibly boring until you reach the 50% mark, that's sort of when the real chemistry between the characters kicks in. Kyle was absolute perfection. The type of guy that gives me unrealistic expectations of men. Fun, sweet and deadly sexy. Rylann, however, was insipid and most of time just downright annoying. She was the main reason I kept stalling and just wouldn't finish it. I truly connected with her near the end of the book which is better than nothing.


The book, contrary to the first 2 books, is not driven by gun-crazy villains and is centered on the development of the relationship. I did enjoy how said development was very realistic, taking into consideration how much importance Rylann gives her job.


Overall, About That Night was like drinking a milkshake really fast. Icky, brain freeze at the beginning but satisfying in the end.