I am sad I didn't love this. I don't know if it's me or this book, but I wasn't feeling it as much as I thought I would be. The Evie and Sebastian appearances were the best parts, tbh.
I have loved West since I first met him back in book 1 of the series, and now he made this journey worth it. Indeed, he's the reason I kept reading. Phoebe was sweet though she annoyed me at times for reasons I can't fully identify, though I'm glad she has a backbone and uses it.
There's no real plot? to speak of? Which made it a bit of a drag but Kleypas writes incredibly well so even if it's dragging, you can't pull away from the prose because it's so easy.
I somehow both loved the ending and simultaneously felt it wasn't enough. It had so much love and sweetness that it made me 'aww' out loud, but I was expecting an epilogue to finish wrapping everything up.