Wow, two back to back DNFs. Another one bites the dust thanks to the insufferably slow pacing. I almost feel bad but then I remember that I have way too many books to read and not enough time to read them.
I got this through my personalized Uppercase subscription box and yup, I'm disappointed. I am a big fan of historical romances so I thought this would be right up my alley. It wasn't.
Nothing happened in the 90+ pages I read. I mean nothing. It felt like I was forced to read unnecessary backstory, mixed in with countless useless food/fashion details plus time period info dump. We get it, you did your research.
I met one of the love interests and I felt nothing. He's devoid of charm and is very close to being a serial killer in my opinion. Helen also made me feel nothing because nothing happens to her.
So yeah, no dice.