This book lacked the humor and good nature of the first book in the series. It was rather stale which is so disappointing.
Emma grated me to no end. She just did not let go, not even for a minute. Her defense of mechanism was made of adamantium at the very least. I never connected with her and to be honest, I didn’t feel she lowered those walls until the last minute. And by last minute I mean the 90% mark. Grrr.
Stone made the book for me. My favorite beta hero ever. Oh my goodness, he is just so damn perfect. Sweet, funny, kind, caring, and hot as hell. Total dreamboat. I related so much to his burden as the middle child. Trying to keep his family happy and together while sacrificing his own dreams hit me hard. BB STONE DESERVES ALL THEM GOOD THINGS.
Ironically, I preferred Serena and was more invested in her happiness than Emma’s.
(show spoiler)
Overall, it was an ok read. Nothing remarkable. *shrug*