Tempt Me, Cowboy - Megan Crane

Super quick read that was remarkably verbose.


I didn’t like Jasper off the get go. Probably around 26% in he did tug a bit at my heart strings. He just gave me skeevy, pervy vibes for some reason. I completely related and enjoyed spending time with Chelsea whom Jasper nicknamed Triple C (ick). She was so relatable and down to earth. Sure, there were times where she came close to a caricature with her being prissy and uptight, however, in general, I found her to be very real.


The story in itself doesn’t have a lot going for it when it comes to tension. It’s all quickly resolved within the first two or three chapters, mostly because there really wasn’t much to resolve. Chelsea didn’t exactly make it very hard for him to fulfill his desire with the railway depot and Jasper really wanted to bang her, like now. So that happened.


The ending was a tad cheesy, but I did like that they set boundaries when it came to their feelings. I don’t think that’s the best way I can explain it, but it is the best one I could come up with. They didn’t fall in love so much as agree to develop their relationship because they really like each other and that’s something I can get on board with.